...and you might find yourself walking the San Joaquin, squinting eastward toward the menacing Bolt Gun Hills as you pass a ballpark that looks like a relic from some bygone era, a faint but chaotic rhythm from below catching your ear…
Out of Los Suelos, CA come Fluppies, the latest blistering punk product from the flatlands off 99. Playing a manic fusion of hardcore and whatever the fuck else they want, Fluppies include Press Chalmers (vox), Sarah Quinn (guitar, vox), Vyv (keys, theremin), and Marc Enriquez (drums).
Fluppies and their lyrics reflect what it’s like living in their secluded town—where reception is shitty, laborers waste away, fever strikes randomly, and cults crowd into caves. In 2022, they released their debut self-titled album.
VIDEO: “Older Than the Hills” – Fluppies
Official video for the first single off Fluppies’ self-titled debut, “Older Than the Hills” Featured image by Maria Pogosyan.
Fluppies interview – from OHA Vol 2. Issue 7
Recently my friend hipped me to something strange: a punk band with a debut album he couldn’t stop listening to. The only problem: He wasn’t sure the band existed.
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